What Can I Do About Disease Dictionary Freeze-Ups?


The DD has always had its finicky ways.  I have always recommended that the following should be loaded to the task bar in this order:



and then lastly DD

It seems to render the DD less likely to be troublesome.



Unconscious search

When you get the Unconscious Choice appearing in the bottom tray of the DD You must find the item in the DD list and click on it to highlight it before making your therapy selection.  If you don’t do this you have not properly loaded the item!

Make your selection:

Electro Acupuncture + Bioresonance

Reveal Text

Add Additional (Optional)

Quick Calibrate

If the next button (Quick Test Patient Bioresonance) does not appear as a button use the Therapy drop down menu to select it (a tab option available in the DD).

Quick Test Patient Bioresonance

Next Click the AutoTreat/Train


Treat/Train (this one is used if you choose your own settings in all the fields instead of letting the system enter the automatic choices)


Wait a few moments for the process to begin.

Watch for 4 blue bars appearing on the progression graph and for the word loaded to appear for acupoints, colour, etc.


Avoid using the Long Term Therapy choice if you want to be free to change to another training choice during your session.

Do not use the Minimize button at the top right of panel.  This goes for all panels including Iridology, Body Viewer, Consciousness and Disease Dictionary training programs.  Instead, use the task bar and click on Consciousness, Disease Dictionary, IRID, Body Viewer etc. as needed to toggle between these programs.  Or you can press the Alt + Tab keys on your keyboard to easily rotate between programs. Even easier is to click on the Main program under/behind these panels and it will automatically minimize and you will be back in the Main program again.

Repeat:  Once you have clicked the AutoTreat/Train or Treat/Train in the Disease Dictionary, it is best to wait a few moments for the process to begin (watch for 4 bars appearing on the progression graph and for the word loaded to appear for acupoints, colour, etc.).

Once this has occurred it is ok to click on Consciousness (bottom task bar) to return to the Clasp32 Program.  If you attempt to return to Clasp32/INDIGO too soon, it may lock up.

If you have prematurely tried to minimize and get a white screen, just wait a few moments before your second attempt then click on Consciousness again.  This should minimize the Disease Dictionary training program to the background while you continue to work in another Clasp32 program.

Sometimes a WHITE SCREEN appears.  The Disease Dictionary is notorious for this.  If this happens, do not click anything!  The White Screen can often be avoided if you are careful not to click a second time too hurriedly on a process that is already running or one that is not immediately responding.  (You might consider taking your hands off the keyboard in case you are accidentally brushing your fingers on the Touch Pad or are unintentionally pressing one of the keys on the keyboard.)  When a White Screen appears, the computer is attempting to process the information and is overloaded.  Just being patient and waiting a few minutes will help.  Once the engaged process has completed, the White Screen will disappear.

You can consider the White Screen a FREEZE-UP if you have waited at least a few minutes or longer than the number of minutes the timer in DD was set for.  Sometimes this white screen remains until the training time has elapsed.  Often you will still be able to return to the Clasp program even though the DD screen remains white.

Click on Consciousness on your task bar and you might be able to return to Clasp and do some other work.   Refrain from returning to the DD until you believe the number of minutes the DD timer was set for has elapsed.  You may then safely click on the DD on your task bar.  The White Screen will have disappeared by then and you will be able to work in the DD once again.


If the White Screen is really stuck, please refer to the section you can refer to What to do for a program FREEZE-UP .