Susan Updated; April 4, 2016

These editing language and verbiage changes were done in 2011 for the Indigo software

For a more in depth understanding of why there was a need to edit the software language, please visit The Quantum Academies website and review the video interview with Jim Turner as he discusses legal language and the Law in relation to Biofeedback.  This is the 2nd of the Coaching Modules and should be accessible to anyone for viewing.  The third one is also highly recommended for all to review as well.



In numerous places throughout the software the word Patient has been changed to Client and the word Treat has been changed to Train, but they are too numerous and so did not map them all out on this FAQ’s Post. These changes will help encourage  practitioners to use compliant language during their session discussions with their clients and overall in their Biofeedback practice.

Old;  Patient

New;  Client

Old; Load Last Patient Data-Clear Conscious and Superconscious choice

New; Load Last Client Data-Clear Conscious and Superconscious choice

Old;  Enter SOC questions, then Go To Patient/Client Data

New;  Enter SOC answers, then Go To Client Data

Old;  Patient Report  (Report Panel)

New;  Client Report

Old;  Biorythms

New;  Biorhythms

Old;  Patient Slight disturb

New;  Client Slight Disturb, etc

Old;   CAUTION – There is a possible Biorhythm concern just today.  a possible Biorhythm concern just today that might have affected readingsGo to Biorythms YES , CONTINUE ( without biorhythms)- NO

New;  There is a possible Biorhythm concern today, that might have an effect on readings.  (messed up with extra line … to be fixed


Calibration Screen;

Old;  Load Patient Picture

New;  Load Client Picture

Old;  Fast Track Calibration is next

New;  Click Calibration Now


INDIGO is Working Panel;

Shown in pink text on the panel;

Old;  You now have the power to adjust the power settings .  If there is pain from the head harness please turn down the power setting

the choices are unconscious but you can raise the4낾Í

New:  You now have the option to adjust the voltage settings.  There is an unconscious auto focusing at work but if it feels too strong or too weak you can adjust the amplitude

Message that sometimes appears in red;

Old; Your System is set at a very high level, we suggest you Recalibrate

New; The system is set at a very high level, you can Recalibrate

Old;  Ctrl fr SCIO Is Working

New;  Ctrl fr INDIGO Is Working

Old;  Ctrl fr Main Program

New;  Ctrl fr Main Program ?

Nutrition and Homeopathy Feedback;

Old;  Double Click to Treat (Constitutional Homeopathy Red panel)

New;  Double Click to Train

Old;  Constitutional  Subspace Search

New;  Constitutional  Virtual  Search

Old;  Regular QXCI, (Nutritional Additional lines for training (Hints))

New;  Regular INDIGO,

Old;  Prostate Therapy

New;  Prostate Program

Old;  Good Foods reactions listed above, or allergy reaction in list

New;  Good Food Sig. reactions noted here. See full stress reactivity in above Matrix

Old;  Good Foods on chart above

New;  Good Food Signature List

Old;  Allergy Items

New;  (ALR) Sig. List

On all Individual Vitamin panels; 

Vit A, C, D, E, F, K, U, Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat, General etc.  On all the green panel backgrounds

And on the Blue and White B & G vitamin;

Old;  Dbl Click on name to treat

New;  Dbl Click On Item To Train

Enzyme Stim Program;

Old;  Increase

New:  Improve

Old;  Increase HCL Production

New:  Improve HCL Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Increase Pancreatin Production

New:  Improve Pancreatin Reactivity

Old;  Increase Secretin Production

New:  Improve Secretin Reactivity

Old;  Increase Birab Production

New:  Improve Bicarb Reactivity

Old;  Increase Lipase Production

New:  Improve Lipase Reactivity

Old;  Increase Protease Production

New:  Improve Protease Reactivity

Old;  Increase Amylase Production

New:  Improve Amylase Reactivity

Old;  Improve DNA Regulation Enzymes

New:  Improve DNA Regulation Reactivity

Old;  Increase Thinking Production

New:  Improve Phosphorylating Reactivity

Old;  Increase Bile Production

New:  Improve Bile Reactivity

Old;  Increase Hydrolyzing

Improve Hydrolizing Enzymes Reactivity

Old;  Increase all enzyme Production

New:  Improve All ENZYME Reactivity

Old;  Increase De-Carboxylase

New:  Improve De-Carboxylase Reactivity

Old;  Increase Mutase-Isomers

New:  Improve Mutase-Isomers Reactivity

Old;  Increase Oxidation-Reduction

New:  Improve Oxidation-Reduction

Old;  Increase DNA regulation enzymes

New:  Improve DNA Regulation Reactivity

Old;  Increase Hydrolases

New:  Improve Hydrolases Reactivity


Enzyme Stabilize Program;

Old;  Stabilize HCL Production

New;  Stabilize HCL Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Pancreatin Production

New;  Stabilize Pancreatin Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Secretin Production

New;  Stabilize Secretin Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Bicarb Production

New;  Stabilize Bicarb Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Lipase Production

New;  Stabilize Lipase Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Protease Production

New;  Stabilize Protease Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Amylase Production

New;  Stabilize Amylase Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Thinking Production

New;  Stabilize Thinking Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Bile Production

New;  Stabilize Bile Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize all enzyme Production

New;  Stabilize ALL ENZYME Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Hydrolyzing

New;  Stabilize Hydrolyzing Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize De-Carboxylase

New;  Stabilize De-Carboxylase Enzy Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Mutase-Isomers

New;  Stabilize Mutase-Isomers Enzy Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Oxidation-Reduction

New;  Stabilize Oxidation-Reduction Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize DNA regulation enzymes

New;  Stabilize DNA Reg Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Hydrolases

New;  Stabilize Hydrolases Enzyme Reactivity

Old;  HORMONE AND RNA FACTORS aprox3 min Therapies

New:  HORMONE AND RNA FACTORS aprox 2 min Therapies


Hormone Stim Program;

Old;  Increase ADRENAL HORMONE Program

New;  Improve Adrenal Hormone Reactivity

Old;  Increase PANCREAS HORMONE Production

New;  Improve Pancreas Hormone Reactivity

Old;  Increase THYROID HORMONE Production

New;  Improve Thyroid Hormone Reactivity

Old;  Increase PINEAL HORMONE Production

New;  Improve Pineal Hormone Reactivity

Old;  Increase ANT PITUITARY Production

New;  Improve Ant Pituitary Horm Reactivity

Old;  Increase POST PITUITARY Production

New;  Improve Post Pituitary Horm Reactivity

Old;  Increase HYPOTHALAMUS Production

New:  Improve Hypothalamus Horm Production

Old;  Increase THYMUS Production

New;  Improve Thymus Hormone Reactivity

Old;  Increase PARATHYROID Production

New;  Improve Parathyroid Horm Reactivity

Old;  Increase all HORMONE Production

New;  Improve ALL HORMONE Reactivity


New;  Improve Catacholamine Horm Reactivity


New;  Improve Cholinergic Horm Reactivity

Old;  Increase Mutase-Isomers HORMONES

New;  Improve Mutase-Isomers Reactivity

Old;  Increase Oxidation-HORMONES

New;  Improve Oxidation Horm Reactivity

Old;  Increase DNA regulation HORMONES

New;  Improve DNA Regulation Horm Reactivity


New;  Improve Indolamine Horm Reactivity


Hormone Stabilize Program;

Stabilize ADRENAL HORMONE Production

New:  Stabilize Adrenal Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize PANCREAS HORMONE Production

New;  Stabilize Pancreas Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize THYROID HORMONE Production

New;  Stabilize Thyroid Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize PINEAL HORMONE Production

New;  Stabilize Pineal Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize ANT PITUITARY Production

New;  Stabilize Ant Pituitary Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize POST PITUITARY Production

New;  Stabilize Post Pituitary Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize HYPOTHALAMUS Production

New;  Stabilize Hypothalamus Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize THYMUS Production

New;  Stabilize Thymus Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize PARATHYROID Production

New;  Stabilize Parathyroid Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize all HORMONE Production

New;  Stabilize ALL HORMONE Reactivity


New;  Stabilize Catacholamine Horm Reactivity


New;  Stabilize Cholingeric Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Mutase-Isomers HORMONES

New;  Stabilize Mutase-Isomers Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize Oxidation-HORMONES

New;  Stabilize Oxidation-Horm Reactivity

Old;  Stabilize DNA regulation HORMONES

New;  Stabilize DNA Reg Horm Reactivity


New;  Stabilize Indolamine Horm Reactivity



Old; Treat   (For items in top hold tray)

New; Train

Old;  Load Last Client Data- Clear Conscious and Superconscious Choice

New;  Load Last Client Data- Clear Conscious and Superconscious Choice

Risks Chart;


Program (menu)

Old;  Treat top Three

New;  Train top Three

Old;  Treat top Five

New;  Train top Five

Old;  Treat Bottom and Top Balance

New;  Training For Bottom and Top Balance

Old;  Treat Bottom Three

New;  Train Bottom Three

Virtual DR

Old;  Repair All

New;  Train All

Old;  Classic Homeo link difficult from Patholocic Perverse Energy

New;  Classic Homeo link difficult from Pathologic Perverse Energy

Short Sarcode Feedback

From the green piggy back options at the bottom of the screen

Old;  Energetically Eliminate these cells from the area of Treatment

New;  Reeducate stress patterns of items below, for the area of focus

Old;  Stimulate Acceptance of Tissue

New;  Retrain Reactivity of New Tissue

Old;  Area of Treatment

New;  Area of Training

Old;  Scan an treat Iridology

New;  Test and Train Iridology


Dark Field Analysis Library;

Old;  Dark Field Blood Treatments

New;  Dark Field Blood Programs

Old;  INDIGO Pulse For Immune Stim + Blood Cleanse

New;   Pulse for Immune + Blood Stress

Old;  INDIGO Pulse For Stem Cell Sig. Stimulation

New;  INDIGO Pulse For Stem Cell Signatures (change didn’t ‘take’ on this update)

Old;  Super-Conscious scan of Blood

New;  Super-Conscious Blood Stress (change didn’t ‘take’ on this update)

Blood Treatments  (Now, Blood Trainings);

Old;  Blood Treatments

New;  Blood Trainings

Old;  Energetic Medicine Treatments    Set Therapy on Left and Piggy back signal on Rt

New;  Energetic Medicine Programs   Select Program Option + Additional Signals on Rt

Old;  Enter Additional Data for Therapy

New;  Enter Additional Data for Training

Old;  Long Term Therapy Active

New;  Activate Long Term Training 

Old;  Pliomorphic Stabilization

New;  Pleomorphic Stabilization

Old;  Plio Morph Panel

New;  Pleo Morph Panel  (change didn’t ‘take’ on this update)

Old;  Plio Morph Panel Click on reactive score to treat

New;  Pleo Morph, Click on Reactive Score to Train

Old;  hint; Choose treatment of blood disorders, time of therapy can be variant

New;  hint; Choose program of blood disorders, time can be variant

Blood Analysis (Library);

Old;  Energetic Treatment of Blood Conditions

New;  Energetic Training of Blood Conditions

Old;  Energetic Medicine Treatments

New;  Energetic Medicine Trainings


On the blue Detox panel;

Old;  Stimulate Detox

New;  Train Detox Stress (Change did not ‘Take’ )

Old;  Bio Terain Results

New;  Bio Terrain Prg

Old;  The system will allow the unconscious of the client to guide the release of electrical and vibrational aberrations in their body.

On the Xenobiotics screen;

Old;  Treat Top Five

New;  Train Top Five

Old;  Load Patient Picture from Calibration

New;  Load Client Picture from Calibration

Old;  Test + Treat Emotions with Phase Stabilization

New;  Test + Train Emotions with Phase Stabilization

Body Scan and Face & Skin Rejuvenation  

Old;  Treat  Foci

New;  Train  Foci

Old;  INDIGO AFE Treatment of Psychic Disturbance

New;  INDIGO AFE Training of Psychic Disturbance

Old;  Eyes Treatment

New;  Eye  Program

Old;  Hair, AntiBalding

New;  Hair Loss

Old;  Anti Aging

New;  Aging

Old;  Resonant Frequency of your chosen Treatment:

New;  Resonant Frequency of your chosen program:


Old;  Test disease for best nutritional supplement

New;  Test concern for best nutritional reactivity


New;  ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INTERFACE ACTIVE; Please wait, or use other Adjunct INDIGO Programs

Old;  Treat HD/ID

New;  Train HD/ID

Aging Program;

Old;  Anti Aging

New;  Healthy Aging

Old;  Alien Pulse

New;  Superimposition pulse

In anti aging

Old;  Retrain Calcium

New;  Free Radical Stress

Old;  Anti aging agents

New;  Healthy Aging Factors

Old;  Nelson Anti Aging formula= Aging Formula

New;  Nelson Fatty acid

Old;  Indigo Anti Aging Pulse

New;  Indigo Aging Pulse

Old;  Treat the Highest Numbers, Click until rectified is over 85

New;  Train the Highest Numbers, Click until rectified is over 85

Neuropathy Quadrant Test;

Old:  Oscilating Rx

New:  Oscillating 

Old:  Use the Quadrant buttons to measure neuropathyin a quadrant. gradually raise the Scioworking voltage bar till the patient just feels the the Patient Feels button in S씡,

New:  Use Quadrant buttons to train neuropathy reactivity. Gradually raise the amplitude in the Indigo is working until the client just feels the tingle.  Click the Client Feels button


Spinal Muscle Re-education, Sarcode Feedback;

Old;  Dbl Click On Dermatome Area to Treat + Release Foci

New;  Dbl Click On Dermatome Area to Train + Release Foci

Old;  To test + treat sarcodes dbl click on name

New;  To test + train sarcodes dbl click on name

Old;  Enter Additional Data for Treatment:

New;  Enter Additional Data for Training:

Old;  Test +Treat Trivector Energy Flow

New;  Test +Train  Trivector Energy Flow

Old;  Test and Treat Emotions with Phase Stabilization

New;  Test and Train Emotions with Phase Stabilization

Old;  Treat Pain Indicated

New;  Train Pain Indicated

Muscle Re-education For Athletes;

Middle of screen

Old;  Sport Treatment Programs on the blue background

New:  Sport Programs

yellow menus Lists

Old;  Treat in all the, most important third menu list

New; Train

Old;  Dbl Click on name to treat

New;  Dbl Click on name to train

Old; Treat Metabolic dysfunction

New;  Train Metabolic Dysfunction

Old; Treat Phlegm in the Area

New;  Train Phlegm in the Area

Old: Increase Mental Focus

New;  Improve Mental Focus

Old; Reduce Paranoia+Distrust

New;  Relieve Paranoia+Distrust

Old;  Reduce Home Sickness

New;  Relieve Home Sickness

Susan Harms

Mon-Fri 8-4 MST

800-388-2033 ext 1

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