Full 4-Hour Webinar with all Support Materials


Product Description

Full 4-Hour Webinar with all Support Materials

Part 1)
Susan Harms:
Promoting Healthy Bio-Terrain & Pleomorphism Theory

Bio-Terrain indicates the journey and transport of substances and chemicals within and upon the body. When healthy, it propagates stronger immunology and a healthier microbiome which defends us from pathogenic overload and assists our body in the removal of waste and excess materials. When the body loses proper alkalinity due to lifestyle or environment, causing bacteria, yeast and mould to proliferate, it denigrates the efficiency of the Bio-Terrain to perform it’s many functions, resulting in a state of dis-ease.

This is explained in the theory of Pleomorphism, which was established before Pasteur’s germ theory that propagates eradication of all germs without differentiation of what is crucial to the cellular biome and those that tip the scales in favour of dis-ease. Pasteur’s endorsed sanitization, which was proliferated by the pharmaceutical industry and other interests. Bio-Terrain theory is counter indicative of Pasteur’s suggestion that the body is Unitarian, sterile and needs to be guarded as a war-front, with battle lines drawn between pathogens and their hosts. Pleomorphism strongly suggests the body should be supported and recognized as naturally self regulating.

Part 2)
Margrét Margrétardóttir jr.:
Re-patterning Anxiety and Fear to Support Natural Immunology

Many often underestimate the role of our emotional health in our body’s natural immunology. The main purpose of our immune system is to protect your body from viruses, bacteria and other outside invaders. White blood cells of your immune system travel throughout your body to help keep things in check when it comes to antigens, viruses and pathogens. With a compromised immune system, they can proliferate leaving us fatigued and unwell. When stress, fear and anxiety are left unchecked they further reduce the effectiveness of your immune system and make you, and those around you much more susceptible to dis-ease.

Our immune system is vital for our overall health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual! To care for it requires conscientious maintenance of our inner sanctum, treating our health as the fundament of how we feel towards ourselves, our relations, and towards life itself. We often cannot allow success without rationalizing how a hectic lifestyle that “appears” laden with esteem, can privately be undermining your resources and your wellness. There are many other things that compromise our immuno-pathology and many ways to keep it healthy. When your immune system is in tip-top condition, you probably don’t even notice it working away to protect you around the clock. However you’ll know when there’s something wrong as your immune system is your body’s built-in defense system against illness and pathogenic states. If you’re feeling good today, thank your immune system (and give yourself a pat on the back for looking after it)

Access to the recorded webinar will also include several supporting handouts, with additional educational material.


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