Part 2 webinar: Biofeedback & Energetic Support, With a Focus on Recovery and Rebuilding after CV-19, and C/Vaxx.


Product Description

On Nov 20th Susan Harms and Margrét Margrétardóttir jr. will offer this “Part Two” follow up, related to the topics discussed during the previous, Sept 25th webinar. In this one, we want to focus on Biofeedback Applications, that will provide the most solid recovery and rebuilding support for the stressors, relevant to the types of client cases many are now seeing. We think that teaching the techniques for using the software’s Stem Cell applications to support specific organs will be of primary importance for you to learn.

Practitioners are seeing and getting more requests from clients who require support for complications – from either having had – or currently going through, this illness. Many are experiencing: respiratory complications; loss of taste; loss of smell; severe fatigue; brain and cognition issues as well as and other lingering symptoms.

More clients are seeking help with stressful reactions and adverse affects after having the “C-Vaxx” jab. Some of the most reported adverse reactions and affects of the “C-Vaxx” (especially the mRNA ones) include: Severe Allergic Reaction; Anaphylaxis; Menstrual Irregularities; Bell’s Palsy; Heart Irregularities; Neurological impairment; Blood Clots; Myocarditis/Pericarditis; Heart Attacks; Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelets; and Miscarriages.

While we can’t possibly cover all of these types of issues and concerns in the three-hour timeframe, we will answer the most prominently asked questions, from those of you, who send them to us – in advance.  Also, if time permits, we will cover the questions in the order they are received.

If there are enough requests for it, we will also review “Adding an Item to the Matrix”. This was rather quickly covered, towards the end of last webinar, and people might require, a more thorough explanation. If so, we will also give tips about why you might invert vs. train and how to do it.


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