There are three methods that can be used to deal with freeze-ups.
- Various Navigation Options Method involves 4 different options that may prevent you from having to exit the Clasp32 program.
- Control/Alt/Delete Method has three different techniques to try.
- Power Down Method is the very last resort.
Try the options in the first group before using the second and only use the third if desperate.
1. Various Navigation Options Method
(if one doesn’t work, try another)
►Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard and then press the Tab key. A small window appears showing all programs presently active on your computer. By keeping one finger constantly onthe Alt keyandpressing and releasing the Tab key with the other finger, each program gets highlighted in turn. Keep pressing and releasing the Tab key until you reach a program other than the one that is frozen. At this point, release both the Alt and Tab keys and that program will appear on your screen. This might be a simple solution to get you out of the freeze-up, though you might need to go through a number of these rotations before succeeding.
► In some cases a program will not be able to move forward and will seem frozen for the simple reason that you cannot see the Message Box in order to click the necessary “OK“. This box is still actually there but you cannot see it because it is hidden behind the panel. (This most often occurs in the Spinal and Sarcode training programs.) To resolve this, simply click on Consciousness on your taskbar. This will most likely result in bringing the Message Box to the foreground so that you can click OK and continue.
► Another option is to press the Alt and the F4 keys together simultaneously. Only hold them down briefly, as a long hold can close you right out of the whole program. Attempt this a few times to see if it works.
► If you’re running a training program with the SCIO is Working box on your screen you can try this option as a last resort: Click and drag on the top border of the SCIO is Working Box to see if you have the option to “Stop Therapy Loop”. When you click on it, you will get a message Pease Wait. Be patient – it may take several minutes, or it may not work at all. It is worth try if all other options fail.
2. Control/Alt/Delete Method
(Try each of the following techniques, starting with the first and proceeding to the next only if needed. The final one will take you out of the Clasp32.)
“Switch To” technique:
► Press the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys on your keyboard and release.
► The Windows Task Manager box appears.
► Click on the Applications tab.
► All opened programs will be listed: Consciousness, Disease, Bodyviewer, manfly avi, and/or Irid
► In the Status column, check to see whether the programs are “running” or “not responding”. If the program is listed as running, that is good – you are more likely to be successful in getting out of the freeze-up.
► If Consciousness is highlighted, click on another one, for example, the BodyViewer.
► Click on Switch To at the bottom of the box. This minimizes the Windows Task Manager box.
► Click on the program in which you were frozen to determine if the freeze-up has been dealt with.
► If still frozen, click on the Windows Task Manager on the Task Bar.
► Click on another program and again click on Switch To.
► Repeating this process may eventually deal with the freeze-up.
► Close the Task Manager box by clicking the red X on the top right hand corner.
“End Task” technique:
► Press the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys on your keyboard and release.
► The Windows Task Manager box appears.
► Click on the Applications tab.
► Click on End Task at the bottom of the box.
► The End Program box now appears.
► Click on Cancel.
► Now close the Task Manager box by clicking the red X on the top right hand corner.
► Doing this seems odd but is sure to get the OK message to re-appear. This technique might also help with a freeze-up.
► If this process does not succeed, use the “Close and Start Again” technique.
“Close and Start Again” technique:
(This is the safest way to close down your Clasp32 program if ever you are impossibly frozen.)
► Press the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys on your keyboard and release.
► The Windows Task Manager box appears.
► Click on the Applications tab.
► Click on End Task at the bottom of the box.
► The End Program box now appears.
► Click on Consciousness.
► Click End Now. The Clasp32 program closes. This returns you to your desktop.
► Closethe Task Manager box by clicking the red X on the top right hand corner
► Double-click on Clasp32
If a message appears “Clasp was shut down improperly”. Refer to the following section for how to proceed.
3. “Hard Boot” Method
► If the computer is so frozen that the Ctrl Alt Delete function won’t work, you may have no choice but to turn off the computer manually.
► Press and hold the power button down long enough for all the lights turn off and for the computer to shut down completely (5-10 seconds).
► Once shut down, you may restart your computer and double-click on Clasp32.
► A message appears “Clasp was shut down improperly”. Refer to the following section for how to proceed.