Susan Updated; April 9, 2016
THE QC BACKUP TOOL is now obsolete; Once you have updated to or beyond the 12 12 12 software this tool will not work and will cause problems with your client database if you try to use it.
There is a new method to Back Up your client files in the 12 12 12 and later software. See ” Saving Your Client Files ”
NOTE: This product tool was designed and developed by SST (formerly Quantum Computers /Quantum Center of Excellence). This is not a TQA product. If you have purchased products / EDVD’s /Flash Drives with the software downloads 12 12 12 – 8 8 14 / accessories /or computers from them, you will need to contact them directly for assistance and support.
If you have the QC Backup Tool on your computer desktop and have not used it for some time it will likely be outdated and no longer work. If it works you can use it to do a current Backup of your client files but ONLY FOR OLD SOFTWARE (5 5 11 or earlier software) client files.. BUT DO NOT USE IT TO BACK UP OLD SOFTWARE AND ATTEMPT TO RESTORE the client files from 5 5 11 or earlier versions to anything newer since the 5 5 12 .
The new 12 12 12 update’s databases are now all encrypted so the 5 5 11 backed up files will not integrate wtih then without a proper conversion If the QC-Backup Tool still opens and works you can do a back up of the Clients and any added Gage and Nelson Matrix Items. So just do the back up, but then just leave it there ….DO NOTHING MORE with it. This is a Safety Net measure ONLY. DO NOT ATTEMPT to RESTORE after doing the 12 12 12 update or then you will SURELY LOSE the client files. This is only done as an extra measure so that a TECH (who knows how to work with it) MIGHT be able to extract and restore the client files in the event that they are lost in the update process.
Note: Gage has shared a video showing an alternative way to BACK UP AND RESTORE ANY ADDED GAGE/ NELSON MATRIX ITEMS.
The new 12 12 12 updated databases are now all encrypted so that is why the 5 5 11 backed up files will not integrate without a proper conversion
- DBL Click The QC BackUp Tool Icon on the desktop
- Click Backup
- Click Yes or No to the question asking if you want to back these up to an external source. In the window with the Yes or NO prompt it will give you a message with your options. Follow the prompts if you click Yes.
- Click Ok to Backup Complete
- The backed up Client and Added Matrix Items window will appear (this now shows both Nelson and GT Matrix) and the scroll bars can be used to assess what was backed up.
- Click Close
If you are restoring Client files (AGAIN–DO NOT RESTORE from a 5 5 11 to a 12 12 12 or later version!)
- DBL Click The QC BackUp Tool Icon on the desktop
- Click Restore
- Click Yes
- Click Ok to Running Restore
- Click Ok to Client Restore Done
- Click Close
Susan Harms
Mon-Fri 8-4 MST
800-388-2033 ext 1
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