How Do I Set the Proper Screen Resolutions?
Susan Updated; April 12, 2016

Access Display Properties Win 7-8

Access from the Desktop

  1. Right Click on the Desktop of the Computer
  2. Click Screen Resolution
  3. You will see the maximum Screen resolution available for your computer
  4. 1280 x1024 is the minimum resolution recommended for full view of all panels in the software
  5. Greater resolutions such as 1620 x 1050 are ideal for full viewing
  6. Lesser resolutions such as 1280 x 900 will result in certain views and options being unavailable or being cut off at the bottom.
  7. The greater the resolutions the smaller the size of characters (below _____x 900 will be a problem
  8. Move the slider to the desired resolution setting
  9. With Win 7 you will also need to set the Display settings
  10. From the Screen Resolutions page you will have a Display option (also from Control Panel)
  11. You will also need to set it to “Smaller” or the font to Smaller

Access Display Properties XP  

Access Control Panel from the Desktop

  1. Right-Click on the Desktop and choose Properties
  2. Choose the Settings Tab
  3. Access Control Panel from the Start Menu
  4. Click on START
  5. Select Control Panel in the right hand column
  6. (See Control Panel Views below)
  7. Access Control Panel from Windows 2000 Start Menu
  8. Click on START
  9. Put the cursor on Settings.
  10. Settings will expand to the right
  11. Click on Control Panel
  12. OR put the cursor on Control Panel and it may expand to the right, then select Display

 (See Control Panel View options below)


Control Panel View options (XP)

  1. At the top of the left hand frame you can choose to Switch to Category View” or “Switch to Classic View”
  2. Choose a category
  3.  If Category View — Click on Appearance and Themes
  4. Click on Change the screen resolution


Classic View (icons)

  1. Double-Click on Display
  2. Select the Settings tab at the far right
  3. The Resolution will be displayed on the lower left and can be controlled by the slider
  4. By default the slider only shows Supported Resolutions for the computer
  5. Supported Resolutions are determined by the capabilities of the graphics card and limited by the properties of the display screen.

Setting the Resolution

  1. 1280 x 1024 is the minimum resolution for full view of all panels in Clasp
  2. Greater resolutions such as 1620  x1050 allow the fullest viewing
  3. Lesser resolutions such as 1280 x 800 will result in missing screen options and cut offs at the bottom of some screens
  4. The greater the resolutions the smaller the size of characters
  5. Move the slider to the desired resolution setting


Saving The Display Settings

Once the new settings have been selected and the focus returned to the Display Properties page click on either OK or Apply

OK will automatically engage the new resolutions settings (XP)

Apply will bring up a dialogue box letting you know that you have 15 seconds to decide if you like the new settings.

Click OK to close the Display Settings.

Susan Harms

Mon-Fri 8-4 MST

800-388-2033 ext 1

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