Part 3 – (2.5-hours):
Animals with the Stress of Toxicity
Indoor pets are subject to vast amounts of toxins, possibly more so than other animals. Since small animals have such a high respiratory rate, it can make them more susceptible to the affects of environmental toxicity, simply from breathing in molecules from household chemicals, cleaners, off gassing of new furnishings to mention a few. Then there are chemical laden flea products, dewormers, and vaccines that are often required for both pets and farm animals. Not to mention that vast amounts of toxins that come from a myriad of places and exposures.
Cost: $50 Clicking Here to Purchase
Other potential topics to come: Part 4 – Supporting Aging Animals; Part 5 -Animals and Bridge Transformation
Part 1 & 2 Recordings Available
In the “Working With Animals” Series
The first two webinars in this series were given great reviews and much appreciated by attendees.
Margrét Margrétardóttir jr. shares her experience, expertise and passion for connecting with animals utilizing our special tool – biofeedback.
Part 1 (2.5-hour): Basics of Working with Animals
Margrét gave us her tips on setting up an animal client in the Demographics panel. Everyone learned how to use an image of the animal client in the Calibration panel as well as how to use a DNA sample on the TEST plate. We discussed the options and tips for using harnesses, head port pads, or accessories, like the silver lined blankets, with animal clients. This was an information packed part 1, where Margrét provided a very good review of the two key animal programs in the software. She also gave great tips, while navigating through other software programs, most often used during animal sessions. She went overtime in this webinar, to relay and deliver, as much information as possible. Additionally, she provided two, invaluable hand outs with supporting material. Included are these PDF’s: “General Setup for Animals” and the “General Animal Protocol” which she reviewed with everyone during the webinar.
Part 2 (2.5-hour): Empathic Animals Under Stress
It is well known that animals are very empathic with their owners and will take on an owner’s stress. Animals can adopt the stress pattern and transmute it into a physical ailment in themselves. Margrét shared how so many of her animals developed a similar health problem and talks about why that might have been. Margrét guided users through several different ways of addressing an animals mental and emotional wellbeing and their empathic nature with various parts of the software.
Cost: $50 Click Here to Purchase
Cost: $50 Click Here to Purchase
or Cost: $90 if purchasing both Parts, 1&2 Click Here to Purchase
Mark Your Calendar for the
Upcoming Complimentary Q & A with Margret and Susan
DATE AND TIME: August 15, 2024, 11- 1 pm EST (4 pm GMT)
Please send any questions you would like to see covered during the webinar to
C L I C K H E R E T O J O I N T H E L I V E Z O O M M E E T I N G on August 15, 2024 at 11 am EST (4pm GMT)
The Passcode is: 514409
DATE AND TIME: December 12, 2024, 11- 1 pm EST (4 pm GMT)
Please send any questions you would like to see covered during the webinar to
C L I C K H E R E T O J O I N T H E L I V E Z O O M M E E T I N G on December 12, 2024 at 11 am EST (4pm GMT)
The Passcode is: 610244
T O P I C |
W I T H |
D E T A I L S |
Open Complimentary Q & A Webinars | passcode: opensource
D E T A I L S |
4-Hour Webinar with all Support Materials
Part 1) Promoting Healthy Bio-Terrain & Pleomorphism Theory Including Part 2) Re-patterning Anxiety and Fear to Support Natural Immunology |
SUSAN Harms MARGRÉT Margrétardóttir jr. |
Part 1) Current stressful times, CV-19, New Virus Strains, RT-PCR Tests,
Vaccinations, mRNA, Spike Protein, Side Affects, Detox and Biofeedback Applications |
Part 2) Biofeedback & Energetic Support, With a Focus on Recovery
and Rebuilding after CV-19, and C/Vaxx |
Successfully Addressing Animal Trauma
MARGRÉT Margrétardóttir jr.
D E T A I L S |
Successfully Addressing Any Form of Parasitic/ Pathogenic Overload
Utilizing Your Biofeedback System |
INGRID Stampe Villadsen | D E T A I L S |